Guru Viking Podcast
The Guru Viking Podcast specialises in in-depth interviews with remarkable figures in the fields of meditation, spirituality, and religion.
Ep152: Voice of Bhutan - Ashi Kunzang Choden
I visit world renowned Bhutanese author Ashi Kunzang Choden at her family seat of Ogyen Choling in the Tang Valley, Bhutan.
Ep151: Scottish Mystic - David McMurdo
David McMurdo is a Scottish mystic, Youtuber, and author of ‘Experiential Spirituality’.
Ep150: Art of Retreat - Dr Nida Chenagtsang
Dr Nida Chenagtsang is a master of Tibetan Medicine & spiritual teacher of the Yuthok Nyingthig tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.
Steve James Interviewed About Magic
Lian Brook-Tyler recently interviewed me for her ‘Primal Happiness’ podcast about magic and the esoteric.
Ep149: Deconstructing Yourself - Michael Taft
Michael Taft: maverick meditation teacher, bestselling author, host of the ‘Deconstructing Yourself’ podcast, and founder of the Alembic community.
Ep148: Wake Up To Sleep - Charlie Morley
In this interview I am joined by lucid dreaming teacher and best-selling author Charlie Morley.
Ep147: Falling Open - Amoda Maa
Amoda Maa is a spiritual teacher and author of books such as ‘Embodied Enlightenment’ and ‘Falling Open in a World Falling Apart’.
Ep146: Surpassing the Master - Rupert Spira & Henry Shukman 2
Part 2 of an ongoing dialogue between Rupert Spira and Henry Shukman.
Ep145: Living Open Space - Gregory Blann 2
In this interview I am once again joined by Gregory Blann: mystic, artist, author, and initiate of the Inayati and Halveti-Jerrahi orders of Sufism.
Ep144: Hardcore & The Body in Spiritual Practice - Guo Gu 2
In this interview I am once again joined by Guo Gu, Chan Buddhist teacher, author, and scholar of Buddhism.
Steve James on the J Brown Yoga Talks Podcast
I was recently interviewed by J Brown for his Yoga Talks Podcast
Ep143: Psychiatry & Religious Experience - Dr Caroline Van Damme
Dr Caroline Van Damme is an adult psychiatrist and family and systemic psychotherapist specialising in chronic psychotic disorders, and co-teacher of Buddhist guru and Sowa Rigpa doctor Nida Chenagtsang.
Peace Meditation - Stephen Snyder - Bonus Episode
Meditation teacher Stephen Snyder offers a guided meditation into the peace of the unmanifest Absolute.
Steve James interviewed by James Tran
I was recently interviewed by James Tran on a variety of interesting topics.
Ep142: Science & the Enlightened Self - Dr Jud Brewer, Shinzen Young, Chelsey Fasano, & Dr Sanguinetti
In this episode I host a dialogue between Daniel Ingram and Delson Armstrong about Buddhist enlightenment.
Ep141: Demystifying Awakening - Stephen Snyder
Stephen Snyder is a meditation teacher, author, and the first non-monastic Western man to master the virtuoso shamata meditation system of Pa Auk Sayadaw.
Ep140: Quest for A Life of Meaning - Ralph White
In this interview I am joined by Ralph White holistic learning pioneer, international speaker on cultural transformation, and co-founder of the New York Open Centre.
Ep139: Peace Magic - Dr Thomas Clough Daffern 2
In this interview I am joined by Dr Thomas Clough Daffern philosopher, educator, peace activist, and peace officer for the Council of British Druid Orders.
Ep138: Trained as a Nun - Beth Upton
In this interview I am joined by Beth Upton, a meditation teacher, ex-nun, and student of renowned meditation master Pa Auk Sayadaw.
Ep137: Kundalini Awakening - Tara Springett
In this episode I am joined by Tara Springett, a Buddhist psychotherapist who specialises in treating Kundalini Syndrome.