Ep147: Falling Open - Amoda Maa

Amoda Maa is a spiritual teacher and author of books such as ‘Embodied Enlightenment’ and ‘Falling Open in a World Falling Apart’. 

Available on Youtube, iTunes, SoundCloud & Spotify – search ‘Guru Viking Podcast’.

Amoda Maa shares how her troubled upbringing including secretive paternity, abuse, and financial instability, saw her fall into a profound depression with multiple suicide attempts. 

Amoda Maa discusses how psychedelic experimentation led her to leave her PhD and embark on 7 years of homelessness and consciousness exploration in the London drug scene, experiencing mystical states and healing her trauma through therapies and personal practice. 

Amoda Maa recounts her travels in India, joining Osho’s ashram, and subsequent awakening which she describes as ‘falling into the abyss of being’. 

Amoda Maa also reveals why she thinks the egoic state of humanity has comets a peak, and why each person must hold the line of presence and openness in an increasingly divided world.

Topics include:

00:00 - Intro
01:04 - Troubled upbringing 
07:59 - Secrecy about Amoda Maa’s father 
12:02 - Educational excellence and further domestic challenges 
15:31 - Abuse and suicide attempts 
21:44 - Lack of financial stability and making ends meet
24:46 - Becoming homeless and 7 years in the London drug scene
28:17 - Psychedelic experimentation and leaving her PhD
35:00 - Spiritual reading and recognising the clear light of mind
41:35 - Healing trauma through rebirthing and other therapies 
45:07 - Experiencing the trauma healing potential of MDMA 
52:53 - Out of body experiences and mystical visions
57:43 - Amoda Maas’ prophetic vision of current events 
59:20 - Egoic state of humanity has come to a peak 
01:02:31 - Holding the line of presence and openness 
01:10:33 - Travels in India and joining Osho’s ashram 
01:14:01 - Receiving the name ‘Amoda Maa’ and a profound spiritual experience 
01:16:49 - Returning to London and falling into the abyss of being 
01:20:26 - After awakening and the feminine face of awakening 

To find out more about Amoda Man, visit:

Music ‘Deva Dasi’ by Steve James


Ep148: Wake Up To Sleep - Charlie Morley


Ep146: Surpassing the Master - Rupert Spira & Henry Shukman 2