About Steve James


Steve travels internationally teaching somatic practices, meditation, as well as leading explorations in contemplative & interpersonal realms.


Steve is known for his direct, grounded approach and enquiry-based ethos, drawing on a background in elite athletic performance, contemplative and spiritual disciplines, human behaviour, and the arts.

Steve’s private consulting practice specialises in the interpersonal and strategic challenges faced by highly visible individuals. Ongoing clients include Oscar-winning actors, multi Grammy winning musicians, and business leaders.

In addition to private client work and international public workshops, Steve designed the teacher training programs for Michaela Boehm Inc, including training in the area of intimacy and relationships, coaching skills, and the original Non-Linear Movement Method®.

These programs have trained hundreds of practitioners from around the world. Graduates have applied the methods in psychotherapy practice, counselling of refugees and sexual abuse survivors, as well as in workshop and general life enhancement contexts.

Steve is the host of the Guru Viking Podcast and founder of the Movement Koan® Method, a fusion of joint-nourishing movement and body-based mindfulness available in a series of DVD/Downloads.

Key areas of interest and experience

  • Steve’s background in somatic practices began with dedicated martial arts and physical training from the age of 5.

    A member of the Scottish Fencing team in his teens, he participated in high-level competition and peak performance strategies.

    Steve went on to study with and graduate as a teacher under yoga master Godfrey Devereux, and continues to deepen his education in yoga, qigong, and physical performance.

    Steve has released two DVD/Downloads: ‘The Movement Koan Method®’ and The Movement Koan Method ® Part 2 – video presentations of his original movement method, which synthesise years of experience in the movement arts to blend joint-nourishing movement with body-based mindfulness.

  • Steve’s ongoing contemplative studies include a long-time meditation practice, silent retreats, and general study of theology, religion, and world mysticism.

    Steve has studied and co-taught with meditation teacher Shinzen Young (author of ‘Science of Enlightenment’ and neuroscience consultant for Harvard Medical School, Carnegie Mellon University, and the University of Arizona); trained 1-1 with Glenn Mullin (Tibetologist, translator, and author of over 30 books on Tibetan culture and Buddhism); and studies Comparative Religion and classical languages with Dr Alexander Arguelles (PhD University of Chicago).

  • Steve’s practical research approach has seen him explore the limits of physical and psychological performance in extreme outdoor survival trainings throughout Europe and Scandinavia.

    Including a seven-day, no food, minimal equipment advanced winter survival scenario and an 11-day arctic survival expedition in the boreal forests of Sweden at daytime temperatures of -24°C, using the cold-weather survival strategies utilised by the British and Swedish militaries and the Sami people including arctic shelter techniques (no tents), winter navigation, and extreme cold weather techniques.

    Steve continues to train in the field of emergency preparedness and outdoor survival with experts in the field.

  • Steve’s work in the arts as a session guitarist included international touring with pop artists and film, TV, and studio recording work.

    Steve’s original music was recently featured on the Netflix series ‘(Un)Well‘, and in the official trailer for Netflix series ‘Sex, Love & goop‘ featuring Gwyneth Paltrow.


Steve has taught at the Esalen Institute and 1440 Multiversity, is a regular speaker at the Science and NonDuality Conference (San Jose) and Radiant Intimacy (Scotts Valley), and has lectured at The Summit Series and Summit at Sea. 

Steve’s work has been featured in international media such as the BBC, Channel 5, The Times, CP24, the Netflix series ‘(Un)Well’, and the Netflix series ‘Sex, Love & goop’.

Online & Digital Resources

  • Guru Viking Meditation Club

    The Guru Viking Meditation Club is an opportunity to explore meditation and practice together live on Zoom. Open to all levels.

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  • Guided Meditations

    Steve’s guided meditations are available on the Insight Timer app (search Steve James), and on YouTube and SoundCloud (search Guru Viking).

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  • Movement Koan Method®

    The Movement Koan Method® is an innovative fusion of joint-nourishing movement and body-based mindfulness created by Steve James.

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  • The Guru Viking Podcast

    The Guru Viking Podcast specializes in in-depth interviews with remarkable figures in the world of meditation, spirituality, and self development.

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Steve Interviewed

You can find out more about Steve by listening to his interviews. He shares personal stories and answers questions relating to meditation, embodiment, martial arts, contemplative and spiritual disciplines, relationships, and leadership.

  • Steve is one of those few teachers that I truly and deeply trust.

    As someone who has been participating in various forms of spiritual practice for over half my life, and who now studies it intellectually full-time, I find that it gets harder and harder to find teachers and guides that can help me.

    Steve is one of those few teachers that I truly and deeply trust. He is a teacher’s teacher, a competent guide for long-term practitioners grappling with deep aspects of the practice, and a voice of reason, incredible wisdom, and intellectual rigor.

    Along with all this, in what might be the hardest task of all for spiritual teachers, he remains ever human, humble, real, and full of heart. He’s an absolute gem; my practice would not be what it is without him. “

    – Chelsey Fasano, Columbia University, USA

  • Steve’s program is absolutely distinct, unparalleled, and revolutionary.

    Having worked in the field and attended personal development and leadership training at some of the most prestigious universities and venues in the world; Steve’s program is absolutely distinct, unparalleled, and revolutionary.

    Steve’s understanding of embodied expression and non-linear thinking and movement has transformed my life…Innovation in this field is exceedingly rare. Steve and his essential contribution to the training continues to reset the paradigm of the human evolutionary process.

    – James Carswell, USA

  • Steve’s teaching philosophy is rooted in a deep and authentic compassion and concern for the well being of others.

    I first met Steve in late 2015, he was teaching a human relationship workshop that I took. The techniques he was using are the kind that are used by some of the world’s top athletes today to fine-tune their nervous systems in order to maximize their physical performance gains. I also know that this stuff is so new in this kind of application that most people just don’t know about it yet.

    Steve had created a synthesis of methods which I had never seen used this way before. According to Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Domains, synergy is the second highest form of learning, followed by evaluation which is the highest. Steve was using both.

    – Greg Tczap, USA

  • I can not only recommend highly the material that Steve has developed but also his integrity and dedication to his craft.

    In my personal life I have gone through some very intense and difficult events over the last year. Without the training from Steve from both his public workshops and private sessions I am sure I would not have been able to pass through these troublesome times unscathed.

    Before meeting Steve and beginning to follow his work, I had been looking for a similar teacher in the field and had not found anyone with whom I felt comfortable working with. I can not only recommend highly the material that Steve has developed but also his integrity and dedication to his craft.

    – Dr Mark Bowmaker Ph.D, UK

  • Steve James is quite possibly the human, fiery bearded re-incarnation of Yoda.

    Timeless wisdom emerges from him through impeccably Zen sentences and movement patterns. He’s funny in an off-beat dry, British way. There is a mystical quality to his presence and a peaceful power that emanates from deep within.

    – Jiro Taylor, flowstate.co, Australia

  • His teachings are unique, innovative and refreshing.

    In 2012 I was diagnosed with reactive anxiety and was advised by my doctor to try different mind-body therapies to manage the work related stress. I tried Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, mindfulness meditation and many different types of yoga but none of them worked for me.

    When I started working with Steve and applying his high performance and body awareness techniques, my mind became much clearer, my body started to relax and since then I have had no anxiety attacks.

    – Thao, Australia

  • Steve’s impact on my life is nothing that is put into words easily

    For 2 years now I have been deeply involved with the work of Steve James whose somatic as well as spiritual approach to emotion, relationships, meditation, sports/performance and music have been more than transformative for me.

    It is best described as a profound exploration of everything human life might entail.

    – Jan B, Germany

  • Steve is really unique in his extremely grounded educational style and his depth of experience

    His ability to integrate the teachings bodily and intellectually and this without loosing connection to real people and our life.

    Meeting Steve James, following his work and attended all of his teachings in Amsterdam since our first meeting has been pivotal in both my own spiritual and personal development.

    – Dennis Thomsen, Denmark

  • Steve’s ability to mentor in a range of areas, from personal growth through to business/teaching practice is something I have never experienced before

    I have trained with over 25 teachers from around the world and participated in over 50 workshops across 4 continents.

    From this perspective I am able to clearly indicate to my event participants who is worth their time and investment.

    Personally, it is a relief to not have to research teachers any more, now that I have found such a strong combination of skills in one person.

    – Alex White, Australia

  • I have been a student of Steve’s for over three years and I have been the carer for my unwell mother during the past five years until she passed away in June.

    I found that attending Steve’s workshops and being taught by Steve has helped me cope with the difficulties and stresses of life in a far more relaxed way than I ever thought possible.

    Steve has shown immense generosity of time and energy to teach me. Sometimes arranging additional training days to assist with my learning. He has created powerful somatic learning exercises at the many workshops I have attended. I have been so deeply impressed by his work that I have been inspired to teach this work myself.

    It’s a testament to Steve’s generosity and openness that, in a field characterised by hoarding of knowledge and closed doors to career progression, Steve has created a program for others to learn and become teachers themselves.

    – David Shubhaker, UK

  • Ever since I have met Steve James in 2012 he has led me to change in my deepest ways of being as a man and as a teacher, coach and psychotherapist by his profound knowledge and irreplaceable example of modern time representative of age old wisdom, reaching back more than a thousand years, likely much more.

    – Marc Heusser MSc, Switzerland

  • Steve’s profound knowledge into bodywork and meditation have improved my understanding of the subject greatly.

    His gentle patience and strong commitment have inspired me and lead me to further exploration. Having experienced many offerings in this field over the years, I consider the work of Steve James as a teacher and trainer of teachers to have been the most effective for me and consider him unique and irreplaceable in my explorations in this field.

    – Andrea B PhD, Switzerland

  • Amongst the extensive study and training I’ve done in the last 18 years, I’ve found the training that Steve James delivers to be completely unique in a number of ways.

    As a result of my attendance in Steve’s programs, I’ve found myself more connected and aware of my physical body and inner emotional state. The impact of this in my life has been profound. I’ve seen profound improvements in my relationships, in my business and in the general day to day attitude I have towards life. Before I applied the practices Steve taught me I was suffering from depression and a sense of despondency that I couldn’t shake. After implementing some of Steve’s techniques I found I was quickly able to heal the root causes of the issue I was dealing with and return to a functional, balanced and healthy mental state.

    My own work has begun to grow and evolve more rapidly because of Steve’s influence. I truly believe that he is a leader in the areas that he works in, and that what he has to offer has a significant and unique positive impact for the people who attend his courses – many of whom are high performance individuals and influencers in their own right.

    – Dane Thomas, Australia