12 Most Popular Guru Viking Interviews (2025)

Based on views and audio plays on YouTube, SoundCloud, Spotify and Apple.


#1. Mountain Yogini - Tseyang Osel (Ep157)

275K Views on YouTube

Tseyang Osel is a Buddhist yogini who has spent most of her twenties in solitary retreat in remote mountain areas. Recorded in Tang Valley, Bhutan.

Tseyang details the practicalities as well as the dangers of spending months in the remote mountains, and the unique challenges of being a female practitioner in today’s world.

Tseyang also discusses her love of Vajrayogini practice, the effect of kye-rim naljor on the subtle body channels, themes of devotion and attachment, and gives her heart advice to those who wish to practice well.

Click here for episode page and timestamps.


#2. Voice of Bhutan - Ashi Kunzang Choden (Ep152)

106K Views on YouTube

World renowned Bhutanese author Ashi Kunzang Choden gives a tour of her home, which her family have occupied for hundreds of years, including a rare look into a remarkable multi-story temple with rich religious frescos, sacred artefacts, and entire floors dedicated to Tara and Guru Rinpoche.

Ashi also recounts her remarkable life that embodies so much of Bhutan’s recent history. Ashi was born into a family of feudal lords, witnessed the reformations of the 1950s, was educated in Catholic convents in India, and worked for the United Nations, before returning to her family home which she now runs as a cultural centre and guest house.

Click here for episode page and timestamps.


#3. Magick, The Occult, & Summoning Demons - Daniel Ingram (Ep68)

61K Views on YouTube

In this episode I am joined by Daniel Ingram, meditation teacher and author of ‘Mastering The Core Teachings Of The Buddha’. Daniel is best known for his controversial claim to arhatship, one of the highest levels of enlightenment in Buddhism. Less well known is Daniel’s lifetime of practice in magick and the occult.

In this interview Daniel reveals his magical biography, and comments on various systems including Goetia, Enochian, Kabbalah, Castaneda, Buddhist Magick, and more.

Daniel shares his encounters with demons, astral entities, mythical beings, and entering into magickal combat with angry magicians who had cursed him.

Click here for episode page and timestamps.


#4. Scribe of Carlos Castaneda - Nyei Murez (Ep50)

58K Views on YouTube

In this interview I am joined by Nyei Murez, personal student and writing collaborator of best-selling author and nagual sorcerer Carlos Castaneda. 

We discuss who Castaneda was, and Nyei gives a detailed history of his lineage up to the present day. We find out how Nyei first met Castaneda, and explore her intensive course of study and training under his personal guidance.

We learn about Castaneda’s writing process, including stories of Nyei’s close collaboration with him on several best selling books. Nyei also talks on the nature of power, and shares insights into the current geo-political situation.

Click here for episode page and timestamps.


#5. Karmamudra - Dr Nida Chenagtsang (Ep71)

49K Views on YouTube

In this episode I am once again joined by Dr Nida Chenagtsang, master of Tibetan Medicine and spiritual teacher of the Yuthok Nyingthig, to discuss karmamudra: Buddhist spiritual s3x.

Dr Nida reveals his own training in karmamudra, under the Aku Lhamo, the so called ‘h0rny professor’, and the Longchen Nyingthig nun Ani Ngawang Gyaltsen.

We learn about the difference between karmamudra and kamasutra, the role of tummo and tsa lung trulkor training, and the purpose of tantric feats such as vajroli mudra, sucking milk and bodily fluids through one’s genita1s.

Dr Nida talks about s3xual abuse by Tibetan Lamas, the prevalence of spiritual gold diggers, and shares his advice for young tulkus facing the temptations of fame. Dr Nida also discusses pollution of the energy channels through p0rnography and pr༠miscuity, how to heal s3xual trauma, and why he chose to make these once secret teachings available to the public.

Click here for episode page and timestamps.


#6. Meditation Maverick - Adam Mizner (Ep182)

45K Views on YouTube

Adam Mizner is an internationally renowned tai chi practitioner and meditation teacher. In this interview he recounts how a troubled childhood saw him begin martial arts and meditation training, and he reflects on his childhood psychic visionary experiences.

Adam discusses the nature of internal cultivation, the role of standing practice, and provides a detailed analysis of the remarkable abilities and attainments of his teacher, the Thai Buddhist Arahant, Luang Por Jamnian.

Adam also shares his current understanding about the true path of meditation, criticises visualisation practices found in Vajrayana Buddhism, questions the efficacy of tummo meditation, and elaborates on the mechanics of his famous push hands abilities.

Click here for episode page and timestamps.


#7. Taoist Master - Bruce Frantzis (Ep171)

37K Views on YouTube

Bruce Frantzis is a world renowned Taoist master and author of books such as ‘Opening the Energy Gates of your Body’ and ‘Taoist Sexual Meditation’.

Bruce recalls his turbulent childhood living with a schizophrenic mother, witnessing murders in New York city, and early training in martial arts and meditation.

Bruce recounts a lifetime of adventurous travel and powerful encounters with spiritual and energetic masters in Japan, China, and India.

Bruce describes his induction into a secret Taoist priesthood, his discipleship under Taoist immortal Liu Hung Cheh, and his training under Dzogchen masters such as Dudjom Rinpoche, Namkhai Norbu, and Lama Wangdor.

Bruce also discusses the keys to Taoist meditation, the mechanics of mind-to-mind spiritual transmission, and how to heal mental, emotional, psychic, and karmic traumas.

Click here for episode page and timestamps.


#8. The Jhanas - Leigh Brasington (Ep18)

34K Views on YouTube

In this episode I am joined by Leigh Brasington, Buddhist meditation teacher and author of ‘Right Concentration, A Practical Guide to the Jhanas’.

Leigh talked about how he transformed from a self described pot-head to a serious meditation practitioner in his very first retreat. We learn how learning the jhanas – 8 altered states of consciousness, brought on by deep meditative concentration – from meditation master Ayya Khema radically changed his life’s direction.

We discuss stream entry for non-monastics, why most people underestimate their meditation potential, Leigh’s controversial take on Western Dharma teachers who claim full awakening, and why the Siddhis, or supernormal powers, are so associated with the practice of jhanas. 

Click here for episode page and timestamps.


#9. The Secret Yogas of Tibet - Ian A Baker (Ep23)

33K Views on YouTube

Ian A. Baker is the author of 7 books, an initiate of Buddhist, Taoist, and Hindu Tantric lineages, an international fellow of the Explorers Club and the Royal Geographic Society, and was joint curator of the 2016 exhibition “Tibet’s Secret Temple” at the Wellcome Collection, London.

In this interview we discuss Ian’s 25 years living in India and Nepal, seeking out the ‘beyul’, the mystical hidden lands of the Himalayas whilst simultaneously pursuing academic studies at Oxford and Columbia Universities.

We discuss the history of the illustrious 6 Yogas of Naropa, and hear about Ian’s research into the monastic re-interpretation (and perhaps even distortion) of these Tantric techniques of India.

Click here for episode page and timestamps.


#10. Meditation Virtuoso - Delson Armstrong (Ep120)

33K Views on YouTube

In this episode I am joined by Delson Armstrong, spiritual teacher and star student of Bhante Vimalaramsi, who’s senior student David Johnson has said ‘Delson Armstrong has mastered every practice we have given him. He is the most amazing student we have ever seen.’

In this interview, Delson recalls his early life training in the Himalayas where he mastered the system of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, attaining to all of its highest states of Samadhi; attained all 6 levels of Kriya Yoga under three separate lineages; studied Sanskrit; and was exposed to practices of Shaiva Tantra through students of Osho.

Delson shares his subsequent explorations of Buddhism, including Mahamudra, Dzogchen, and the TWIM practice of Bhante Vimalaramsi. Delson recounts and contrasts his experiences accomplishing the 8 jhanas, attaining the 4 levels of Buddhist awakening, and realising Rigpa.

Delson also reveals yogic feats such as recalling past lives and entering into a type of suspended animation called nirodha-samāpatti for up to six days, and reveals his passion for neuroscience and recent participation in a study at the University of Amsterdam that has examined his brain and body in this state of yogic suspension.

Click here for episode page and timestamps.


#11. Meeting A Wandering Ascetic - Bhante Jason (Ep12)

28K Views on YouTube

Bhante Jason is an Australian monk who left a career in law to wander the countryside as an aescetic Buddhist monk. Ordained in the Theravanda tradition in Sri Lanka over eight years ago, he lives outdoors without possessions except for his robes and begging bowl.

Seeing hypocrisy in much of modern Buddhism’s approach, Bhante Jason describes his approach to Buddhist practice as ‘Classic’ and chooses to live as closely as he can to the strict monastic rules of the historical Buddha.

I travel out to his rain season retreat cave in the Blue Mountains to meet this unusual and charismatic wanderer.

Click here for episode page and timestamps.


#12. Meeting of the Dharmas - Daniel Ingram & Delson Armstrong (EP136)

28K Views on YouTube

In this episode I host a dialogue between advanced meditation practitioners Daniel Ingram and Delson Armstrong.

Daniel Ingram is an independent Buddhist writer, author of ‘Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha’, and co-founder of the Emergent Phenomenology Research Consortium (EPRC).

Delson Armstrong is a spiritual teacher, author of ’A Mind Without Craving’, and the star student of Bhante Vimalaramsi.

Daniel and Delson discuss the similarities and differences between their doctrinal positions and personal experiences of the 4-path model of Buddhist enlightenment, which ranges from stream entry to arhatship. In this collegial yet rigorous dialogue, Daniel and Delson engage in detailed debate on the differences in their positions and draw on personal experience, scriptural examples, and issues of scientific verification.

They also discuss the effect of enlightenment on psychopathy and other personality disorders, reflect on which meditation methods best fit different personality types, and conduct in-depth analysis of the phenomenon of ‘nirodha samapatti’.

Click here for episode page and timestamps.