Guru Viking Podcast
The Guru Viking Podcast specialises in in-depth interviews with remarkable figures in the fields of meditation, spirituality, and religion.
Ep274: Poetry & the Sacred - Henry Shukman & John Brehm
I host a dialogue between Henry Shukman, British poet, Zen teacher, and author of ‘One Blade of Grass; a Zen memoir’; and John Brehm, American poet and author of ‘The Dharma of Poetry’.
Ep271: Zen Confessions - Brad Warner & Shozan Jack Haubner
In this episode, I host a dialogue between Brad Warner, Zen teacher, Youtuber, and best-selling author; and Shozan Jack Haubner, ex-Zen Monk, Youtuber, and award-winning memoirist.
Ep266: Meeting of Masters - Guo Gu & Meido Roshi
In this episode, I host a dialogue between Guo Gu, Chan Buddhist teacher and scholar, and Meido Roshi, Rinzai Zen Abbot of Korinji Monastery.
Ep252: Religion & Psychiatry - Dr Chencho Dorji & Dr Caroline Van Damme
Dr Chencho Dorji is Bhutan’s first psychiatrist and the Professor of Psychiatry at Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences. Dr Caroline Van Damme is an adult psychiatrist and family and systemic psychotherapist specialising in chronic psychotic disorders.
Ep228: Dzogchen & Dark Retreat - Dr Nida Chenagtsang & Justin Von Bujdoss
Dr Nida Chenagtsang is Buddhist teacher and doctor of Tibetan Medicine; Justin Von Bujdoss is an author and Buddhist teacher.
Ep213: Mind the Hype - Dr Nicholas Van Dam & Chelsey Fasano
Dr Nicholas Van Dam, the inaugural Director of the Contemplative Studies Centre and an Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne with Chelsey Fasano, a Columbia University neuroscience graduate.
Ep210: Science of Lucid Dream Healing - Charlie Morley & Dr Garret Yount
I am joined by Charlie Morley, lucid dreaming teacher and best-selling author, & Dr Garret Yount, a scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
Ep201: Revealing Nirodha Samāpatti - Delson Armstrong, Shinzen Young, Chelsey Fasano, & Dr Laukkonen
I host a dialogue between Delson Armstrong, Shinzen Young, Chelsey Fasano, and Dr Ruben Laukonnen.
Ep198: Dudes of Dharma - Dhammarato & Dean Sluyter
I host a dialogue between Buddhist lineage teacher Dhammarato and best selling author Dean Sluyter.
Ep184: The Vajra Path - Dr Nida Chenagtsang & Dr Ian A Baker
I host a dialogue between doctor of Tibetan Medicine and Buddhist spiritual teacher Dr Nida Chenagtsang & Dr Ian A. Baker, author, scholar, and initiate of Buddhist, Taoist, and Hindu Tantric lineages.
Ep178: Buddhist Meditation, Hypnosis, & Dzogchen - Dr Ian Wickramasekera & Julia Shannon
A dialogue between Dr Ian Wickramasekera, Bön Buddhist practitioner and professor at Naropa University, and Julia Shannon, trainee clinical psychotherapist and researcher.
Ep168: Trust in Awakening - Stephen Snyder & Mark Mininberg
A dialogue between meditation teacher Stephen Snyder and Zen master Mark Mininberg.
Ep165: Wisdom and the Body - Angela Farmer & Michaela Boehm
A dialogue between iconoclastic yoga teacher Angela Farmer, and internationally renowned counsellor, workshop teacher, and author of ‘The Wild Woman’s Way’, Michaela Boehm.
Ep159: Meeting of Ngakpas - Lama Glenn Mullin & Dr Nida Chenagtsang
A dialogue between Tibetologist and Tantric Buddhist Lama Glenn Mullin and doctor of Tibetan Medicine and Yuthok Nyingthig spiritual teacher Dr Nida Chenagtsang.
Ep154: Faith and Science - Dr Jonathan Lunine, Shinzen Young, & Chelsey Fasano
Dr Jonathan Lunine - distinguished American planetary scientist and physicist - joins the ongoing discussion with Shinzen Young and Chelsey Fasano.
Ep146: Surpassing the Master - Rupert Spira & Henry Shukman 2
Part 2 of an ongoing dialogue between Rupert Spira and Henry Shukman.
Ep142: Science & the Enlightened Self - Dr Jud Brewer, Shinzen Young, Chelsey Fasano, & Dr Sanguinetti
In this episode I host a dialogue between Daniel Ingram and Delson Armstrong about Buddhist enlightenment.
Ep136: Meeting of the Dharmas - Daniel Ingram & Delson Armstrong
In this episode I host a dialogue between Daniel Ingram and Delson Armstrong about Buddhist enlightenment.
Ep131: Art & Spirituality - Rupert Spira & Henry Shukman
A dialogue between Rupert Spira: a teacher of the direct path method of Advaita and an internationally acclaimed ceramic artist; and Henry Shukman, Zen teacher and award winning poet and writer.
Ep128: Pioneering Science – Dr Jud Brewer, Shinzen Young, Chelsey Fasano, & Dr Sanguinetti
Special guest Dr Jud Brewer – pioneering psychiatrist, neurosciencist, and New York Times best-selling autho - joins Shinzen Young, Chelsey Fasano and Dr Jay Sanguinetti.