Guru Viking Podcast
The Guru Viking Podcast specialises in in-depth interviews with remarkable figures in the fields of meditation, spirituality, and religion.
Ep73: Dangerous and Delusional? - Daniel Ingram
In this interview I am once again joined by Daniel Ingram, meditation teacher and author of ‘Mastering The Core Teachings Of The Buddha’.
Ep71: Karmamudra - Dr Nida Chenagtsang
In this episode I am once again joined by Dr Nida Chenagtsang, master of Tibetan Medicine and spiritual teacher of the Yuthok Nyingthig, to discuss karmamudra: Buddhist spiritual s3x.
Ep68: Magick, The Occult, & Summoning Demons - Daniel Ingram
In this episode I am once again joined by Daniel Ingram, meditation teacher and author of ‘Mastering The Core Teachings Of The Buddha’.
Ep60: Full Natty Arhat - Frank Yang
In this episode I am joined by Taiwanese Youtube Fitness star Frank Yang who on May 25th 2020, declared himself to be an arhat – the highest level of enlightenment in Theravada Buddhism.
Ep50: Scribe of Carlos Castaneda - Nyei Murez
In this interview I am joined by Nyei Murez, personal student and writing collaborator of best-selling author and nagual sorcerer Carlos Castaneda.
Ep29: Pandemic - Dhammarato
In this episode, I talk with Dhammarato – a lineage teacher in the Thai Buddhist tradition who has gained an enthusiastic internet following for his unique, 1-1 teaching style conducted over Skype.
Ep23: The Secret Yogas of Tibet - Ian A Baker
Ian A. Baker is the author of 7 books, an initiate of Buddhist, Taoist, and Hindu Tantric lineages, an international fellow of the Explorers Club and the Royal Geographic Society, and was joint curator of the 2016 exhibition “Tibet’s Secret Temple” at the Wellcome Collection, London.
Ep20: Supra-Mundane Dhamma - Dhammarato
In this episode, I talk with Dhammarato – a lineage teacher in the Thai Buddhist tradition who has gained an enthusiastic internet following for his unique, 1-1 teaching style conducted over Skype.
Ep18: The Jhanas - Leigh Brasington
In this episode I am joined by Leigh Brasington, Buddhist meditation teacher and author of ‘Right Concentration, A Practical Guide to the Jhanas’.
Ep17: The Ninja - Stephen K Hayes
In this episode I talk with Stephen K Hayes, martial arts master and ex security advisor to the Dalai Lama. We discuss Stephen’s early interest in the martial arts and his journey to Japan in search of the Ninja.
Ep14: The Arahant - Daniel Ingram
In this interview I am joined by meditation teacher and author Daniel Ingram. Daniel sparked great controversy when in 2008 he named himself an ‘arahant’, one of the highest attainments in Buddhism.
Ep9: 6 Yogas of Naropa - Lama Glenn Mullin
Glenn H. Mullin is a Tibetologist, Buddhist writer, translator of classical Tibetan literature, and teacher of Tantric Buddhist meditation. He divides his time between writing, teaching, meditating, and leading tour groups to the power places of Nepal and Tibet.