Ep74: Gurus, Hypnosis, & Toxic Devotion - Dr Ian Wickramasekera

In this episode I am once again joined by Dr. Ian Wickramasekera, Bön Buddhist practitioner and associate professor of Mindfulness Based Transpersonal Counselling at Naropa University. 

We learn how a mirror divination from a mysterious Lama, and a powerful lucid dream, saw Ian travel to Sikkim in search of the monastery of his previous incarnation.

Ian discusses the similarities between the Western tradition of hypnosis and the system of Dzogchen, and why he considers hypnosis to be the best means to approach and apprehend Buddhist thought.

Ian reveals why gurus are so often surrounded by high-hypnotisable people, to what extent hypnotic language can be used by spiritual teachers to induce religious conversion and enhance their followers’ devotion, and what the Dharma has to learn from Western hypnosis.

Audio version of this podcast also available on iTunes and Spotify – search ‘Guru Viking Podcast’.

Topics Include:

0:00 – Meeting a Dharma Guardian in a lucid dream
0:51 – Dream yoga and Ian’s past life as a monk in Sikkim 
11:11 – Tenzin Wangyal’s lucid dreaming advice 
13:38 – Visiting Sikkim to find his past life monastery
24:34 – Reflecting on Lama Dawa’s divination for Ian’s life 
27:22 – Meeting hypnotists and Bon Buddhism teacher Daniel P Brown 
28:29 – Hypnotism is the best means to integrate Western thought with Buddhism
37:30 – The Default Mode Network and the sense of self 
41:24 – The similarities between the views of hypnosis and Dzogchen 
49:52 – The possibilities of combining a realised Dzogchen master and a master hypnotist 
54:18 – Common misunderstandings about Vajrayana
57:33 – What is a high-hypnotisable person?
1:01:16 – Hypnotism in marketing and propaganda 
1:07:49 – Toxic guru devotion and spiritual materialism in Dzogchen 
1:12:40 – Religious conversion phenomena and powerful state experiences
1:19:48 – Is high hypnotic ability required to experience the deepest meditation teachings?
1:25:02 – Do spiritual teachers deliberately use hypnosis to induce conversion and devotion?
1:36:40 – Teaching hypnosis to a Vietnam veteran with a catastrophic spine injury
1:38:54 – The tradition of open skepticism 
1:43:43 – Different teachings suit different personality types 
1:48:46 – How gurus use the hypnotic voice in meditation instruction 
1:52:56 – Can you be hypnotised against your will?
1:56:44 – Ian’s powerful near-death experience


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