Ep298: Liberating the Self - Stephen Snyder
Stephen Snyder is a Buddhist meditation teacher and author of several books including ‘Buddha’s Heart’, ‘Trust in Awakening’, and his latest release ‘Liberating the Self’.
Available on Youtube, iTunes, SoundCloud & Spotify – search ‘Guru Viking Podcast’.
Stephen emphasises the importance of working with personality structures even after Buddhist awakening, and offers methods to resolve trauma and destructive patterns to unlock hidden spiritual strength.
Stephen warns about the dangers of achieving enlightenment without dealing with one’s personality patterns and trauma, reflects on the inner experience of enlightened Zen masters who behaved badly, and gives his advice for teachers and practitioners who think they no longer need to practice.
Stephen also reports a high success rate of awakening and other mystical experiences among his students, shares his approach to retreats and 1-1 teaching, and describes advanced Theravada meditation techniques such as kasina and skeleton meditation.
00:00 - Intro
01:03 - High rate of awakening at Stephen’s retreat
03:05 - What is the secret sauce?
04:40 - Limitations of the Zen retreat style
06:17 - Stephen’s experimental approach and heart emphasis
07:14 - Minimum requirement to qualify for Stephen’s retreats
08:58 - Why the Theravadans struggle the most
10:00 - Stephen’s online trainings
12:09 - The art of 1-1 meditation teaching
13:08 - Seeking confirmation for spiritual experiences
13:53 - Stream of consciousness sharing
14:58 - Stephen’s new podcast
16:44 - Liberating the Self and Stephen’s writing output
18:20 - Zen ignores personal and psychological work
19:52 - Theravadan shamata and no-self practices
20:42 - Reifying awakening and reassertion of the sense of self
23:22- Bad behaviour by enlightened people
25:35 - Work on your incongruent behaviour before or after awakening?
27:34 - Post-awakening work vs therapy
29:08 - We all have a full range of negative emotions and personality patterns
31:10 - Stephen’s childhood hatred
31:46 - Transforming negative emotions
32:07 - Misbehaving Zen masters
33:21 - What is the inner experience of a misbehaving Zen master?
34:5 0 - The benefit of Western depth psychology
36:04 - Is Stephen done?
37:51 - Advice for advanced meditators and teachers who think they’re done
41:07 - Stuck in a good place and shifting to concepts
41:08 - Recognising when you have gone off track
42:55 - Contentment vs complacency
43:36 - Challenging emotions and outdated personality patterns
44:12 - Resistance to peace
47:44 - Destabilising effect of spiritual practice
49:41 - Why bother with the deep path?
52:05 - Unlocking profound spiritual qualities
54:34 - Awakening stories
55:04 - The traditional kasina meditation path
58:42 - Skeleton practice and skeleton visions
To find our more about Stephen Snyder, visit:
Music ‘Deva Dasi’ by Steve James