Ep295: Life Cycle Rituals - Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya 3 

Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya is a tantric priest in a centuries old Newari Buddhist family lineage and master of the religious dance tradition of Charya Nritya.

Available on Youtube, iTunes, SoundCloud & Spotify – search ‘Guru Viking Podcast’.

Prajwal Vajracharya reveals the rich world of Newari life rituals, in which major life events such as birth, coming of age, marriage, and death are celebrated by religious and community rites.

Prajwal Vajracharya explains the initiation rituals for boys and girls, including a 12-day dark retreat in which girls are taught essential knowledge by community members, and reveals how divination and astrology are used to determine a child’s name and life path.

Prajwal Vajracharya also discusses the importance of purity and discipline, bespoke rituals to clear obstacles, find a partner, and heal illness, and reflects on the challenges in bringing his ritual tradition to the USA.

00:00 - Intro

01:02 - Life cycle rituals of the Newari tradition

02:17 - Pregnancy and birth rituals

04:40 - Is Western culture traumatising?

05:21 - Creating a happy pregnancy

06:28 - Rituals for infancy

08:28 - The baby knows what it needs

09:31 - Naming and earring rituals

11:39 - Divination and adornment rituals

12:50 - The 1 year ritual

13:41 - Egg, fish, and wine

14:26 - 2nd year ritual

16:!6 - 7th year initiation ritual for boys

17:54 - 12-day dark retreat initiation ritual for girls

20:28 - Variations among castes in Nepal

21:23 - Special, old age ritual for the 77th year 

23:02 - 88th year and a rebirth ritual

25:42 - Grieving customs for parent’s death

27:36 - Science of rituals and living a happy life

28:29 - In Nepal, everyone takes care of their parents

29:07 - Lack of dementia in Nepal

29:44 - Ritual as a family and community activity

31:20 - Obstacle removal, house blessing, and healing rituals

32:44 - Clay-pot rebirth ritual at 99 years old

35:53 - Respecting the elderly 

36:48 - How to choose a child’s name

38:25 - Spiritual names

38:58 - Divination to determine the child’s career and life path

40:39 - What did Prajwal’s son choose?

42:02 - Astrology chart for a new baby

42:53 - The Chudakarma ritual  and monastic training

43:49 - Ritual obligations as a Vajrācārya 

48:40 - When rituals go wrong!

50:28 - Origin of and textual sources for Newari rituals

52:37 - Purity and preparing for ritual

54:47 - Discipline and respecting others 

55:52 - Rituals to get a girlfriend and other life situations 

58:08 - The many benefits of rituals 

01:01:35 - The complexities of married life

01:03:06 - Bringing Newari ritual traditions to the West 

01:05:34 - Innovation and training Westerners in Vajrācārya rituals

01:08:10 - Self-initiation and awakening the channel and nerves

01:09:13 - An American Vajrācārya?

01:10:00 - Challenging reactions in Nepal

01:11:52 - Gurū maṇḍala, the heart of Newari ritual

01:13:40 - Mudrā healing

Previous episodes with Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya:

To find out more about Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya, visit: 

Music ‘Deva Dasi’ by Steve James


Ep296: Sufi Music Master - Gerald Ilyas Klawatsch


Ep294: Shadow Work for the Soul - Mary Shutan